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AI in Classrooms: 2024 Year-End Review

AI in Classrooms: 2024 Year-End Review

Key insights from the 2024 Educator AI Report

Explore how AI usage in education has evolved from the start to the end of the school year. Our 2024 Educator AI Report reveals key trends and shifts in educator perceptions and practices:

Understanding AI trends: our report details how educators integrate AI, with a 50% increase in the use of AI tools and an 11% increase in familiarity with AI tools since the start of the year

Future of AI in education: the data highlights plans for expanding AI use in assessments and personalized learning tools, with a 10% increase in analyzing student data and a 12% increase in automating administrative tasks

Challenges and barriers: challenges such as insufficient training and ethical concerns remain key barriers, with 56% citing a lack of familiarity as a barrier

Impact on educators and students: AI continues to support educators in delivering impactful lessons, with 50% reporting it has simplified their workload

Explore the Key Findings

Read Key Findings from 2024 Educator AI Report to explore the detailed results, including trends over the 2023–24 school year. Understand how AI is reshaping education, empowering teachers, and enhancing learning experiences.

AI in Classrooms: 2024 Year-End Review

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